Cabin nOise reductioN ground Checked by nEw loudspeakeR exciTatiOn
Fostering an innovative noise generation system to reduce noise in aircraft, together with Leonardo (TM)
Reducing noise in aircraft, and especially in the passenger cabin of turbopropeller-driven aircraft, is deemed important for the well-being of passengers and the protection of the environment. The sources of noise in a turboprop aircraft include boundary layer flow noise, structure-borne noise due to engine vibration and acoustic excitation of the fuselage due to the propeller.
To tackle this issue, the EU-funded CONCERTO project aims to develop cabin and fuselage noise testing equipment for regional aircraft platforms. The equipment will be based on an innovative noise generation system (iNGS) aimed at testing and validating new technologies for noise reduction in composite cabins of regional aircraft. Eventually, this project will contribute to green mobility.